Apr 7, 2008
Tip and Trick Editorial

Download Windows Vista PRODUCT (RED) Sidebar Gadgets

Windows Vista Ultimate PRODUCT (RED) edition system comes with two practically useless Windows Sidebar Gadgets, namely, Clock and RED URL. Both of the gadgets is probably more aiming towards branding and allows users proudly proclaim that they have contributed and joined the (RED) campaign cause, which hopes to eliminate AIDS in Africa.

PRODUCT (RED) Windows Sidebar Gadgets

The Clock Windows Sidebar gadget is pretty much the same with the default Clock gadget that comes with every copy of Windows Vista, except that it’s always red in color, and doesn’t allow any customization except to set the timezone. The default Clock gadget actually comes with a red skin, but both has slightly different red flavor, and the design is slightly different too as shown in figure below.

Guess which one is (PRODUCT) RED clock? Yes, the top one while the bottom one is the default clock in Vista with red skin. There is no second hand on the (PRODUCT) RED clock, here’s the hack to add second hand to the clock face.

The (RED) URL gadget is worthless, unless you want a Windows (RED) icon to appear on your sidebar, and has the convenient of one click access to Windows Vista (PRODUCT) RED homepage.

Download REDGadgets.rar which contains clockr.gadget and red.gadget. Run the .gadget file to install and activate the gadget in Windows Sidebar.

User will need to enable Windows Sidebar to run the gadget.

Other (PRODUCT) RED freebies can be downloaded from here.

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PRODUCT (RED) Windows Sidebar Gadgets
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