May 12, 2008
Tip and Trick Editorial

KB 940510 Windows Vista Activation Anti-Crack Detector Re-Released as Important Update for All Languages

Earlier this year, KB940510 was been released to both Windows Vista RTM (6000.16386) and SP1 (6001.18000) versions of system through Windows Update with designated status as important or critical. The release was meant only for system on English locale by then. And, the KB 940510 update is not compulsory, and user can easily hide the update to not installing the update, and not getting any notice to install it again in future.

KB940510 is the infamous anti-crack (or anti-hack or anti-exploit, whatever) that enables Windows Vista to detect activation exploits that bypass product activation and that interfere with usual Windows operation (this statement is in doubt though). However, KB940510 is able to detect only two type of Windows Vista activation crack, namely Paradox OEM BIOS Emulation activation crack and timerstop.sys (some installed via timestop.exe) Grace Timer Hack, both of which relies on a memory resident driver to bypass Windows Vista activation. Users have reported that Microsoft labels these cracks as SL07-001 and SL07-006. The more advance hardware level BIOS SLIC mod and Vista Loader (but you yourself can remove Vista Loader) boot loader level OEM BIOS emulation are left intact and working as before.

Since May 6, KB940510 is been released for all language locales except for the German locale, and in the process, also reset the “hidden” status previously set by English locale users in Windows Update to avoid KB940510 anti-crack detection update altogether. Microsoft rereleases KB940510 for English locale of Windows Vista too at the same time to target system that hasn’t been updated or chose to hide the update. Thus, those who have previously hide the Update for Windows Vista (KB940510) will again see the update been offered for download and install.

KB940510 in Windows Update

Details of KB940510 Update for Windows Vista
Microsoft description on KB940510.

Again, KB940510 crack detector, although marks as important critical update and will automatically install on system with Automatic Update enabled, is not compulsory albeit the re-release. User can still opt to hide the update to avoid installing it now and in future.

Hide KB940510 in Windows Update

KB940510 cannot be uninstall, remove or rollback officially once installed. So it’s either you don’t install it, or you reinstall Windows Vista to skip and update. But don’t worry too much, the crack/exploit detector doesn’t remove the detected hack or exploit by itself.

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KB940510 in Windows Update
Details of KB940510 Update for Windows Vista
Hide KB940510 in Windows Update
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