Jul 27, 2013
TnT Editor

3 Awesome Android Apps of the Week: Floating Toucher, Locket, and Origami

Are you in search of some new and awesome apps? Whether you just got your Android device and are feeling adrift or you’re a salty old dog seeing what you might’ve missed, here are some absolutely awesome android apps of the week that making your life easier and more organized.



Locket is an Android app that develops a mobile app that delivers relevant ads and coupons to your smartphone lock screen and pays you for simply unlocking your phone without entering apps and without any extraordinary effort. Ads may encourage viewers to visit websites, view movie or show trailers, visit Facebook pages, download coupons, and other options. In addition, users also will paid up to 1 cent per swipe. [Free]

Origami: Your Family’s Home

Origami Your Family's Home

Origami(formerly known as Everyme) is an application that let users to share photos, albums, videos or text notes with family member. The app lets users upload mass amounts of photos at once and enjoy unlimited sizes and storage. In addition, it also integrated family Address Book with birthdays, emails and phone numbers that anyone in the family can view. [$5/month]

Floating Toucher


Floating Toucher is a free app that specially designed for Android device. Floating Toucher lets users use a button floats on device screen that contains all installed apps and Android system settings. With Floating Toucher, users can control android device or access to favor app easily without leaving the current app. Besides that, users also can make it unique by
1. Customizing the panel functions, pick the most commonly used switches or favor apps

2. Creating folder for apps or switches

3. Changing the floating button style, or DIY own button

4. Changing the panel’s color

5. Can be hidden to the status bar, when user needs the full screen mode without any interference. [Free]

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