Oct 8, 2015
TnT Editor

50 Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Excel, WordPad, Note Pad & Window Media Player

Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of keyboard strokes and clicks that provide a quick and easy way of do task action such as taking a screenshot or executing commands in computer software programs. By using keyboard shortcuts, you can do things that normally need a mouse, trackpad, or other input device. Shortcut keys are commonly accessed by using the Alt key (on IBM compatible computers), Command key (on Apple computers), Ctrl key, or Shift key in conjunction with another key.

50 Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Excel, WordPad, Note Pad & Window Media Player

To learn more shortcuts, check the table below. Every application have its own shortcuts, and shortcuts may not work for other application.

Keyboard shortcut for Excel:

Shortcut Function
Ctrl W Close a file
Ctrl N New file
Ctrl O Open file
Ctrl 1 Call out format cells
Ctrl ‘ Copy above cell formula & you may edit it
Alt = Auto sum
Shift F3 Insert Function
Ctrl G or F5 Go To
Window D Go to desktop
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + Alt + V Paste Special
Alt F1 Chart
F11 chart on new tab
Ctrl K hyperlink

Keyboard Shortcut for WordPad:

Shortcut Function
Ctrl + O Open
Ctrl + S Save/Save As
Ctrl + P Open Print
Ctrl + A Select All
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + E Align Text to Centre (Must highlight the text you would like to align first)
Ctrl + L Align Text to Left
Ctrl + R Align Text to Right
Ctrl + D Open Paint (Open paint to create a drawing and place it in Wordpad doc)
Ctrl + F Open Find
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y Redo
F1 or Fn + F1 Open Wordpad Help and Support
Ctrl + N Open a New Blank Page

Keyboard Shortcuts for Notepad:

Shortcut Function
Ctrl + O Open a previously saved ote
Ctrl + S Save/Save As
Ctrl + N Open a New Blank Page
Ctrl + P Open Print
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + F Open Find
Ctrl + A Select All
F5 or Fn + F5 Insert the Date and Time
Ctrl + H Open Replace

Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows Media Player:

Shortcut Function
Ctrl + P Play/ Pause
Ctrl + S Stop
Ctrl + Shift + G Speed up the song
Ctrl + Shift + S Slow down the song
Ctrl + Shift + N Play the Song at normal speed
Ctrl + F Go to the Next Song
Ctrl + B Go to the Previous Song
Ctrl + Shoft + F Fast Forward (Press again it will back to normal)
Ctrl + H Turn on Shuffle
Ctrl + Shift + C Turn on Lyrics, Captions and Subtitles
F8 or Fn + F8 Turn Down Volume
F9 or Fn + F9 Turn Volume Up
F7 or Fn + F7 Mute/Unmute Volume
Ctrl + J Eject
Ctrl + O Open
Ctrl + U Open URL
Ctrl + N Create Playlist
Ctrl + 1 Go back to Windows Media Player
Ctrl + 2 Open Skin
Ctrl + 3 Open now Playing
Ctrl + M Show/Hide Menu Bar
Alt + 1 Set Video to 50% Zoom
Alt + 2 Set Video to 100% Zoom
Alt + 3 Set Video to 150% Zoom
Alt + Enter Set Video to Fullscreen
F1 or Fn + F1 Go to Windows Media Player Help

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50 Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Excel, WordPad, Note Pad & Window Media Player
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