May 7, 2017
TnT Editor

64 Best and Most Useful Keyboard Shortcut that MacBook Power Users Know – Some Hidden Keyboard Shortcut

MacBooks or Mac computers is an awesome notebook computers developed by Apple Inc, while all MacBooks also preinstalled with its own operating system – MAC OS X. Mac OS X is the latest Macintosh operating systems for Apple computer that launched in 2001. There are a ton of hidden keyboard shortcuts in MacBooks or Mac OS X.

Windows 10 Top 45 Keyboard Shortcuts Every New Windows 10 Owner Needs To Know

Here are 64 best keyboard shortcut for MacBook, Mac OS X:

  1. Command+A: Selects all items in the active window (icon view), all items in the column (column view), or all items in the list (cover flow view)
  2. Command+C: Copies selected items
  3. Command+D: Duplicates the selected item(s)
  4. Command+E: Ejects the selected volume
  5. Command+F: Displays the Find dialog
  6. Command+H: Hides All Finder windows
  7. Command+I: Shows info for selected item or items
  8. Command+J: Shows the view options for the active window
  9. Command+K: Displays the Connect to Server dialog
  10. Command+L: Creates an alias for the selected item
  11. Command+M: Minimizes the active window
  12. Command+N: Opens a new Finder window
  13. Command+O: Opens (or launches) the selected item
  14. Command+R: Shows the original for selected alias
  15. Command+T: Adds the selected item to the Sidebar
  16. Command+V: Pastes items from the Clipboard
  17. Command+W: Closes the active window
  18. Command+X: Cuts the selected items
  19. Command+Z: Undoes the last action (if possible)
  20. Command+,: Displays Finder Preferences
  21. Command+1: Shows the active window in icon mode
  22. Command+2: Shows the active window in list mode
  23. Command+3: Shows the active window in column mode
  24. Command+4: Shows the active window in cover flow mode
  25. Command+[: Moves back to the previous Finder location
  26. Command+]: Moves forward to the next Finder location
  27. Command+Del: Moves selected items to the Trash
  28. Command+up-arrow: Show enclosing folder
  29. Command+`: Cycles through windows
  30. Command+/: Shows/Hides Status bar
  31. Command+?: Displays the Mac OS X Help Viewer
  32. Command+Shift+A: Takes you to your Applications folder
  33. Command+Shift+C: Takes you to the top-level Computer location
  34. Command+Shift+G: Takes you to a folder that you specify
  35. Command+Shift+H: Takes you to your Home folder
  36. Command+Shift+I: Connects you to your iDisk
  37. Command+Shift+Q: Logs you out
  38. Command+Shift+N: Creates a new untitled folder in the active window
  39. Command+Shift+P: Shows/Hides Preview pane
  40. Command+Shift+T: Shows/Hides Tab bar
  41. Command+Shift+U: Takes you to your Utilities folder
  42. Command+Shift+Del: Deletes the contents of the Trash
  43. Command+Option+H: Hides all windows except the Finder’s window(s)
  44. Command+Option+I: Opens the Inspector for the selected items
  45. Command+Option+N: Creates a new Smart Folder
  46. Command+Option+T: Hides the Finder window toolbar
  47. Command+Option+Space: Opens the Spotlight window
  48. Command+Space: Opens the Spotlight menu
  49. F8: Choose another desktop using Spaces
  50. Control+up-arrow or F3: Displays the Mission Control screen
  51. Control+down-arrow or Control+F3: Shows all open windows for the current application using Mission Control
  52. F11 or Command+F3: Hides all windows to display the Desktop using Mission Control
  53. F12 or F4: Displays your Dashboard widgets
  54. Space: Quick Look
  55. C: Boots from the CD or DVD that’s loaded in your optical drive (if you have one) or a bootable USB flash drive
  56. Media Eject: Ejects the CD or DVD in your optical drive (if you have one)
  57. Option: Displays a system boot menu allowing you to choose the operating system and/or volume
  58. Shift: Runs your MacBook in Safe Mode, preventing your Login Items from running; runs a directory check
  59. T: Starts your laptop in FireWire or Thunderbolt Target Disk mode
  60. Command+R: Boots from the El Capitan Recovery HD
  61. Command+Option+R: Boots El Capitan Recovery using your Internet connection
  62. Command+V: Show OS X Console messages
  63. Command+S: Starts your MacBook in Single User Mode
  64. Command+Option+P+R: Resets Parameter RAM (PRAM)

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Windows 10 Top 45 Keyboard Shortcuts Every New Windows 10 Owner Needs To Know
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