May 10, 2008
Nic Cho

Adobe Updates Photoshop Express With Flickr Support And Save As Functionality

The well-known American computer software company headquartered in San Jose, California, USA, Adobe Systems Incorporated has updated its Photoshop Express free rich Internet application (RIA) with Flickr support. Means that you can download photos from your Flickr account into Photoshop Express, edit and add effects to them, then send them back into Flickr to share with the community, aiming to enhance your sharing experience.

In addition to Flickr support, Adobe has also added a new “Save As” feature, which allows users to save multiple versions of an image in addition to the original version. There’s also an embeddable player for posting their slideshows to social networking Web sites including Facebook and MySpace.

“We’re overwhelmed by the positive response to the Photoshop Express beta and all the people who are actively editing and showing off their photos,” said Doug Mack, vice president of Consumer and Hosted Solutions at Adobe. “Photoshop Express will continue to evolve over time as we listen to user feedback and build a complete hosted solution that gives people the right balance of performance, convenience and that ‘wow-factor’ that makes their photos stand out from the rest. We’re fortunate to have innovative technologies in our arsenal like Flex and Adobe Flash Player that guarantee the overall experience will always be engaging and dynamic.”

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