Apr 11, 2008
Tip and Trick Editorial

Akatoo – Share Knowledge and Earn Prizes (Invite Requires)

AkatooAkatoo is another Wikipedia or Yahoo! Answer wannabe, with a monetary reward programs. In essence, Akatoo is much more similar to Experts-Exchange with much broader topics coverage and focus. Experts-Exchange, which meant for Information Technology professionals, rewards points for answering questions asked by users, which can be redeemed for premium user account, while in Akatoo, users can win a variety or prizes.

Akatoo describes itself as private Knowledge Exchange community with an unparalleled rating and scoring system, named akatoo Reputation Management & Scoring System (aRMSS) to ensure that each answer on this site is of validated, reliable and high quality knowledge so that all compiled information can be trusted. aRMSS works by assigning a IKU rating score for each user overall and per category for all user actions in Akatoo.

Beside rewarding quality knowledge contribution with a variety of prizes, when user answers questions he or she will be given a choice to give a portion of the advertising revenue earned by the ads placed on the sites to a non profit organization of your choice, which includes United Way, PETA, Scholarship Fund, Alumni Fund, Diabetes Foundation, Cancer Research and Environmental research foundation.

So if you’re looking for an answers that is factual and correct, and worry that information on Wikipedia has been sabotaged, or afraid that googling doesn’t come out with best answer, try to search for verified answer or post the question in Akatoo. If you’re an expert, share your knowledge to donate to your cause and earn a chance to win for the prizes.

Akatoo is now in private beta and requires invite to sign up and join. You can register and wait for the invitation to send to you at Akatoo registration page (without filling in Invitation Code field). However, if you requires speedy access to Akatoo, post a comment below with a valid email address (just fill in the e-mail address field is enough, no need to post in comment section to avoid spam), and an invite will be sent to you as long as it’s still available.

Akatoo is having “Welcome to the Jungle” Promotion where member with highest number of accepted invitation will win $50 Amazon gift voucher, “Music to my Ears” Promotion to giveaway 20 iPod Nanos and 50 iPod Shuffles every month to the top 70 students who accumulate the most promotion points within the month. All promotions only open to US and Canada citizens.

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