May 29, 2009

Bookeen Unveils The New Cybook Opus with Motion Sensor

There seems to be a lot of hypes on e-book reader recently. Joining the crowd is the latest Cybook Opus electronic book reader by Bookeen, which was unveiled in a recent presentation at Digital Book 2009. Touted as the lightest e-book ever produced, Bookeen’s latest portable device, the Cybook Opus, weighs only 165g as compared to its predecessor Cybook Gen 3 which weighs 174g. Even Sony E-Reader and Kindle felt like a “heavyweight” at 283g and 289g respectively.


Cybook Opus features a 6-inch E-Ink display in 200dpi. Its 1GB of flash memory storage can accommodate ePub, PDF, HTML and text formats. This pocket sized e-reader also boasts its long battery life at 8000 pages flips in a single charge, which can only be matched so far by Cool-ER e-book reader by Interead.


Though it was highlighted that the Cybook Opus comes with a motion sensor, no further details were reviewed. Guess we will just have to wait until June 2009 when it hits the US shores. No word yet on its pricing.

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