Sep 1, 2014
TnT Editor

How To Change Windows 8.1 Account Profile Picture

Windows 8 have account profile picture as an image associated shown on the Welcome screen and Start menu. Change user account logon picture that will display on the Windows 8 Welcome screen and Start menu to any .bmp, .dip, .rle, .gif, .jpg, or .png image is simple. Unfortunately, unlike previous versions of Windows, Windows 8 does not include any built-in images that you can use as account profile picture.

How To Change Windows 8.1 Account Profile Picture

If you wish to change your account picture you need to select an existing picture from your computer. Here is the guide how to assign a picture to your account in Windows 8.

  1. On the Windows 8 Start Screen, right-click your account profile picture in the top right corner of the screen, and then open a drop down menu.
  2. In the option, click on “Change Account Picture” to change your account profile picture under the PC Settings where you also can customize Start screen and Lock screen.
  3. Another new screen will appear where display current account profile picture. From there, you can select an image used before, browse picture, or take a new picture with an attached webcam.
  4. To use an existing picture, click on the “Browse” button. Change Account Picture
    Simply find the picture you want to use and left click on it to select the picture, and then click on the “Choose Image” Button to begin using the picture select.
    How To Change Windows 8.1 Account Profile Picture Libraries
    Note: If you browse to a picture, OneDrive photos will automatically open in Libraries. If the photo you want to use is located somewhere else, including a network location, click the Libraries dropdown and browse to it.

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How To Change Windows 8.1 Account Profile Picture
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