Oct 20, 2013
TnT Editor

How To Convert Units, Measurements and Calculation With Android Device

In our daily life, we were facing a lot of units, measurements and calculation. It has hundreds and even thousands of units we can convert in our life time. Kilometers vs. miles, Sensible (Celsius, of course) vs. Fahrenheit, Dollar vs. Euro, inches, meter are those common units or measurement. Before that, we need to remember the formula to manually perform the conversion on the age of computers. On the later on, we must thanks to digital calculator and mobile phones which has been made as easy as punching in the required quantity and unit, and choosing the desired unit for conversion. Normally, any standard unit conversion apps would be capable of making such trivial equivalences, but what if you need to do something more particular like converting US pant size to Asia pant size? Now, you can convert this through Android app – Convert Everything which is created by ZDA Forum Member “plbelanger”.

How To Convert Units, Measurements and Calculation For Android Device With Convert Everything

You can convert over a hundred units from simple scientific such as units lumber, torque, typography, radiation, dress and shoes size in different areas and everything in between by using Convert Everything. It is awesome to having this app to ease our daily life especially when travelling. On the home screen, you select the general category of conversion you wish to perform, and then input the unit and dimension in the following submenu. It is annoying when entry to the long list because there are a hundred of list to scrolling under the convert tab. No problem, just simply click the Favorites button while on that quantity’s screen and it’ll be added to your Favorite tab. You can also access your recently or updated converted quantities in the History section.

This app is available as both of fully functional free version and also Pro version which need to pay for $2.99. You may grab it on Google Play store for both versions.

Convert Everything for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fluffydelusions.app.converteverything

Convert Everything for Android Pro: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fluffydelusions.app.converteverythingpro

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How To Convert Units, Measurements and Calculation For Android Device With Convert Everything
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