Apr 16, 2008
Tip and Trick Editorial

Demonoid Is Resurrected Back Online (Invite Still Needed for New Account)

DemonoidDemonoid is one of the largest BitTorrent (BT) tracker and torrents indexing sites that allows users to upload and download torrents which link to mainly pirated materials consist of movies, MP3s, music or song albums, TV series videos, e-books, software programs, games and etc. The piracy nature of the website surely attracts pressure and action from law enforcement officers across of the globe to crack down on the popular site.

And that’s what presumed to be happened to Demonoid, when it went down and offline on November 9, 2007, popularly believed was due to alleged legal threats from the Canadian Recording Industry Association. After almost 5 months of offline and downtime, Demonoid finally been resurrected out of all legal threats and hosting issues (if there is any), and back online with a vengeance, with immediate traffic surge, as seen in the Alexa ranking graph below, which has seen Demonoid.com back to top 500 ranks.

Demonoid Traffic Rank in Alexa

Visitors to Demonoid.com will be greeted with a welcome message:

Welcome back!

Since a few months ago, Deimos, the site administrator, lacks the necessary time to take care of the website, because of personal matters he’s been needing to attend to. For this reason, he has decided to leave the site staff.

Before leaving, he assigned a new site administrator from among his friends to take care of the site. The old moderator team will continue helping with the site, unchanged. We will try to keep running everything just as it always has been.

The trackers and website seem to be working properly, and should any issues arise, they will be taken care of as soon as possible. The site might be going on and offline over the next days as we work out any problems.

Welcome back, and enjoy your stay!

– Umlauf
Demonoid Site admin

Apparently, the downtime and shutdown of Demonoid.com for last 5 months is not due to legal threat, but personal reason. Whatever, now it’s back and users can now visit Demonoid.com. All existing accounts on Demonoid appears still valid, and new account creation still need an invitation code. For those without invites, wait for open registration period.

Wait this space, we may are giving away a free Demonoid invite.

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