Apr 27, 2008
Tip and Trick Editorial

Direct Download Ultimate Extras Sound Schemes and Install On All Editions of Vista

Microsoft releases two sets of Ultimate Extras sound schemes for Windows Vista Ultimate customers, who long complaint that the over promoted and much hyped Ultimate Extras feature is greatly disappointed with nothing much to offer. The Windows Sound Schemes consists of Ultimate Extras Glass and Ultimate Extras Pearl that customize that sounds Windows plays when users perform common tasks and actions in Windows Vista.

Windows Sound Schemes are released through Windows Update, which targets and shows the availability of Windows Sound Schemes only to Windows Vista Ultimate system with Ultimate Extras feature. Non-Ultimate edition system such as Windows Vista Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Business and Enterprise edition won’t be able to download and install Windows Sound Schemes from Windows Update.

But hope is not lost. It’s possible to download the Windows Sound Schemes setup executable directly from Microsoft’s Windows Update server, and then manually install the additional extra Windows Sound Schemes – Ultimate Extras Glass and Ultimate Extras Pearl – into Windows Vista PC, any edition. Even the sound schemes can be installed on Windows XP. The manual installation is exactly the same with Windows Vista Ultimate users installed the Windows Sound Schemes update package via WU. The direct download links to the setup installers are listed below.

Download Windows Sound Schemes for 32-bit (x86) Windows Vista All Editions


Download Windows Sound Schemes for 64-bit (x64) Windows Vista All Editions


After installing the new sound schemes, see the guide on how to change sound schemes in Windows Vista to activate and make use of the new sound schemes installed.

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