Apr 1, 2008
SY Wong

Download File Alert Monitor v2.0 that Monitors Folders and Files Modification

Here is another good software utility suitable for office and personal use. Named as File Alert Monitor, it is capable of monitoring any file change (either recently added, modified or deleted) in specific folder in local or even networked PC. The target application is quite wide as it can be used to monitor any file deletion in shareable PC, document edition with timestamp for tracking purpose.

User is able to select specific folders for monitoring to take place. By default, user can screen audio (.wav) file changes. However, there is no restriction to select additional or even any kind of file formats that are intended to be monitored. In order to have a convenience tracking record, user can enable status log capturing in which the interval is editable to have a full history on when and what files have been modified.

This tiny software utility doesn’t take up much memory space as it is only around 1MB. It is a must have software piece to be installed in any PC. I personally tried it and the GUI is simple and yet useful for tracking my important documents. Download File Alert Monitor 2.0 for free.

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