Jun 30, 2009

Download Free Xurch Cloud To Streamline Web Searches On Firefox And IE Browsers

Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Inc. had recently introduced Xurch, a new Web search browser plug-in that makes Web searching faster and a lot easier. Searching the web is often a repetitive and tiring process. Most of the time, you enter a search term only to realize that your query was too general, resulting in too many unrelated results. With Xurch, the computer helps you build the search you need, making it easier to find precisely what you are looking for and steer away from those long unmanageable lists showing millions of results.

Fujitsu Xurch

Simply install the free beta version of Xurch plug-in into a Firefox or Internet Explorer browser, and a Xurch Cloud will appears when you perform searches on major search engines and popular websites. This Xurch Cloud box or tag cloud provides users with suggested words for refining their searches, allowing them to quickly iterate through several refinements and zero in on the exact information they are looking for. In addition to making it easier for users to find information when using popular search engines, Xurch’s search facilitation technology is also being customized for popular third-party websites, including news and shopping sites too.

xurch cloud

Xurch is not a search engine. It simply facilitates searches performed using popular search engines and websites. After performing a search, the Xurch Cloud will appears around the query box whenever the cursor is moved to the box, offering several possible query refinements, and by clicking on one of these suggestions, the new word is added to the query and the search is run again. The new results are displayed with a new set of suggestions for further refinement. For example, after searching for “notebook” which results in over a half million results, Xurch suggests “capacity,” “screen sizes,” “HD,” “reviews,” “applications” and more to make it easier to narrow down the search.

Currently, Xurch only supports Firefox running on Microsoft Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux. Xurch also supports Internet Explorer v6, v7, and v8. The beta version of the Xurch plug-in can be downloaded for free at www.xurch.com.

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