Nov 5, 2013
TnT Editor

Download Nero BackItUp 2014 Free Edition (No Activation License or Serial Key Number Required)

Nero BackItUp is a comprehensive backup suite for PCs and Android devices from Nero AG, formerly Ahead Software, which offers intuitive backup and restore files to internal drives, external hard drives, optical discs (CD/DVD/BD), NAS drives, and Nero BackItUp online storage service. With Nero BackItUp 2014, users can create fully automated backup plans. The schedule or continuous backups will run in the background to assuring that content is always automatically put in the safe backup location. In addition, users also can backup multiple PCs and unlimited Android devices on a single account to Nero BackItUp online storage and access files anytime anywhere.

Download Nero BackItUp 2014 Free Edition (No Activation License or Serial Key Number Required)

In Nero BackItUp online storage, it will automatically sort photos and videos into timelines for easy browsing and share files to friends or social networking sites and create a music library categorized by artist, album, genre and playlist.

Features of Nero BackItUp 2014:

  • Create scheduled and continuous backups
  • Compression and encryption for local backups
  • Easily restore files
  • Backup to any storage device including internal drives, external hard drives, optical discs, NAS drives and Nero BackItUp online storage
  • Backup multiple PCs and unlimited mobile devices on a single account to Nero BackItUp online storage
  • Access, browse, stream, and share backed up files anytime anywhere with any web browser
  • Share files privately via email or publicly by posting them on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter
  • Password protect shared files or folders

Nero BackItUp 2014 costs $69.99 per year with unlimited online storage, there is also free edition of Nero BackItUp 2014 with 5GB online storage available direct from developer.

Nero BackItUp 2014 Free Edition can be download from Or also can be downloaded via the following direct download link, for people who doesn’t want to give away their email address as required
on official Nero site to download the Nero BackItUp 2014 setup installer for PC: Nero_ BackItUp2014-15.0.01500_free.exe

The Nero BackItUp 2014 setup installer is a 49 MB download, and supports Windows XP SP3 (32 bit), Windows Vista SP2 or later (32/64 bit), Windows 7 SP1 Home Premium, Professional or Ultimate (32/64 bit), Windows 8 (32/64 bit), Windows 8.1 (32/64 bit)

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Download Nero BackItUp 2014 Free Edition (No Activation License or Serial Key Number Required)
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