Mar 13, 2013
Tip and Trick Editorial

Force cPanel WHM (WebHost Manager) to Save & Remember Password in Chrome

When login to cPanel, WebHost Manager (WHM) and webmail in Google Chrome web browser with cPanel theme, Chrome may not offering the option for user to save the user name and password so that the user ID and password can be auto-completed, and user no longer needs to type in the credentials on future login.

The issue happens despite webmaster has set the setting of Allow autocomplete in login screens to On in order to enable browser-native password caching feature for cPanel, WHM, and webmail logins.

It’s unknown if the issue is caused by Chrome or cPanel, as other browsers can properly save the password of cPanel WHM login.

[note color=”#FFCC00″]Do ensure that the Allow autocomplete in login screens to On is set to On in Security tab of Tweak Settings in WHM if you’re using the new cPanel login theme, or else the auto-complete of any browser won’t work.[/note]

In order the workaround the issue, append the following code to the end of the login URL for cPanel, WHM or webmail:


For example:

Force Chrome to Save Login Credentials of cPanel with Legacy Theme

When the query string is added to the URL and passed to the cPanel server, the cPanel-legacy theme will be used on login page. By default, the legacy theme allows browser to save the password. As such, user will be able to save the user name and password in Chrome by logging into cPanel, WHM or webmail through legacy theme.

Once the password is saved, webmaster can continue to use the original URL (which does not have query string appended) to login, and Google Chrome can auto-complete the login credentials regardless of login theme used, as long as the domain part of the URL stays the same.

[box title=”Tip” color=”#f7c9e5″]You can bookmark the URL with query string pointing to cpanel-legacy theme to be used in future in web browser which doesn’t want to remember login credentials to force the browser to save the login information.[/box]

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Force Chrome to Save Login Credentials of cPanel with Legacy Theme
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