Jul 5, 2008
SY Tan

FriendMobilizer for Windows Mobile Phone Users to Enjoy Full Access to Facebook

Macrospecs Inc has brought good news to Windows Mobile phone users by unveiling a new software application, FriendMobilizer, which allows users to enjoy full access to their Facebook account while they are on the move. Keeping track with friends via the social networking website, Facebook, has become a new trend in this latest technological era. For avid travelers, they can access their Facebook via mobile phone to know their friends’ status, update information, etc. However, there seems to be a lack of good applications for Windows Mobile Phone users to enjoy this social networking website via their mobile phones. Thus, FriendMobilizer is introduced just in time.

FriendMobilizer allows Windows Mobile phone users to enjoy full access to their Facebook account. They can upload photos and information, view friends’ information and profiles, approve/deny friends’ requests, read messages, write on friends’ walls, get notifications sent directly to their home screen, etc. Unlike other Windows Mobile Facebook software applications such as Snap2Face, the features and functions available in FriendMobilizer are more comprehensive.

FriendMobilizer is a free application currently available for both Windows Mobile devices and Pocket PCs. Users can register their mobile phone numbers in the FaceofMobile website and download the free application. Stay tune with FriendMobilizer and enjoy your Facebook activities via your mobile phone.

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