Apr 28, 2019
TnT Editor

Google Chrome 74 Released – Here the Changes and Download Links

With receiving and gathering all valuable feedback from Google Chrome users worldwide, Google Chrome development team has improve the product with bug fixes and enhancement. This time Google Chrome released with version 74 on the stable branch.

Below are the summary of the fixes addressed in this release:

  • JIT-less V8: The Javascript Engine V8 now supports JavaScript execution without allocating executable memory at runtime.
  • Enabled API WebAssembly Threads and WebAssembly Atomics.
  • The CSS media query ‘prefers-reduced-motion’ has been implemented, so web sites can now detect that animations are disabled on the client side.
  • Scroll-To-Text: To enable users to easily navigate to specific content in a web page, Chrome includes support for specifying a text snippet in the URL fragment. When navigating to a URL with such a fragment, the browser will find the first instance of the text snippet in the page and bring it into view. Can be enabled with the chrome://flags#enable-text-fragment-anchor flag.

Here the download links for Google Chrome 74:

Google Chrome 74 web installer:

Google Chrome 32-bit

Google Chrome 64-bit

Google Chrome 74 MSI/Enterprise installer:

Google Chrome MSI Installers for Windows

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