Feb 6, 2016
TnT Editor

Helpchat Personal Assistant App Now Feature To Alert Users About Air Quality

How polluted is our air? According to the latest study from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) showing that air pollution causes 200,000 early deaths a year. If you’ve ever wondered how many nasty particles from dust, car exhaust, and other sources you may be breathing in, there are few methods to check it right now.

One of the easy method to check air quality is by using app – Helpchat, which is a personal assistant app that provide new feature to awareness users about the pollution levels in over 40 Indian cities, alerts users when air quality drops below a certain threshold, and how it is adversely impacting our health.

Helpchat Personal Assistant App Now Feature To Alert Users About Air Quality

Helpchat presents readings of the air in the surrounding environment (Air Quality Index) from 0 to 500+ (0 being the cleanest and 500 being the worst air quality) and delivers a personalised air-quality update. With Helpchat, users can use to check air pollution levels in real time and get forecasts for the next day through app.

Interest users can download Helpchat from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Helpchat for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.akosha.directtalk&hl=en

Helpchat for iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/helpchat/id1029363033?mt=8

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Helpchat Personal Assistant App Now Feature To Alert Users About Air Quality
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