May 25, 2017
TnT Editor

Kodi 17.2 Released With Important Security Fix and Changes

Kodi (previous known as Xbox Media Center or XBMC) is an open-source media player designed to be used as home entertainment (TV (live and recorded), films, video, music, podcasts, photos, and slideshows) for free.

Kodi supports more than 65 languages and available in huge range of platforms: Android, iOS, BSD, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows operating systems, Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi, and Freescale IMX6.

Today, Kodi has started released version 17.2 for Windows OS bringing lot of important fixes and improvements, included one for a potential security flaw, but the update don’t comes with any new features.

Kodi 17.2 Released With Important Security Fix and Changes

According Kodi official blog:

“You may have read in the news that malicious subtitle zip files could potentially infect and harm your media player including Kodi. When Check Point researchers uncovered this flaw they contact us up front to let us know about this flaw. Our developers fixed this security gap and have added the fix to this v17.2 release.”

Here details of what changes and fixes in Kodi 17.2 for Windows operating system:

  • Fix selection after channelgroup switching in PVR guide window
  • Fix handling of gaps that caused eradic behaviour in EPG grid
  • Allow backing out of fullscreen pictures by mapping longpress guesture
  • Quick fix for wake up command not being called in PVR power management
  • Use alternative method to check if platform updates have been installed on Windows
  • Fix possible security flaw in which abused .zip files try to traverse to a parent directory
  • Use the correct ttc font from the video file for subtitles on Windows
  • Detect and delete zero-byte database files which cause crashes

Download Kodi 17,2 from the Windows Store HERE

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Kodi 17.2 Released With Important Security Fix and Changes
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