Jun 1, 2015
TnT Editor

Microsoft Confirmed Windows 10 Release Date Set July 29th (How to Get Free Upgrade and Full Details Video)

Microsoft has earlier announced the availability free upgrade of Windows 10 for all existing Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 PCs, with the company hasn’t shared with public the official launch date.

Microsoft Confirmed Windows 10 Release Date Set July 29th (Full Details and Video)

Today, Microsoft has finally announced that Windows 10 will be launch on July 29th, 2015. Joe Belfiore also revealed on Twitter that the operating system will launch after 57 days from now.

Joe Belfiore

In addition, Microsoft also has rolled out a video highlighting the new features for Windows 10 and started notifying users to reserve their free upgrades to Windows 10. Blogging Windows blog wrote that:

On July 29, you can get Windows 10 for PCs and tablets by taking advantage of the free upgrade offer, or on a new Windows 10 PC from your favorite retailer. If you purchase a new Windows 8.1 device between now and then, the Windows 10 upgrade will be available to you and many retail stores will upgrade your new device for you.

With the release date available, it means that Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 users will reserve their upgrade via icon popup on the taskbar on July 29th. Once received the notification, just simply click on the icon, and then complete the reservation process. Windows Phone 8.1 users will also be eligible for free Windows 10 upgrade on their Windows smartphones. For more details on how this works at Windows.com.

Microsoft Confirmed Windows 10 Release Date Set July 29th (Full Details and Video) PoP Icon Reserve

Windows 10 operating system is Microsoft first major update after three years. The new Windows 10 bring lots of new features to the PC, tablet, and smartphone users such as Cortana, Microsoft Edge, Office on Windows, Windows Continuum, Windows Hello, and more.

Here the highlights video from Microsoft:

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Microsoft Confirmed Windows 10 Release Date Set July 29th (Full Details and Video)
Joe Belfiore
Microsoft Confirmed Windows 10 Release Date Set July 29th (Full Details and Video) PoP Icon Reserve
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