May 21, 2008
Tip and Trick Editorial

MySQL Workbench – Visual Database Deign Tool Free Download

MySQL Workbench is the next-generation visual database design tool. MySQL Workbench is the successor to DBDesigner 4 from FabForce, and database administrator (DBA) or MySQL developer can use the utility to design, model, create, manage, maintain and document database schemata in a single, seamless environment for the MySQL database system.

MySQL Workbeach is available for free download as Open Source Community (OSS) Edition, or a commercial Standard Edition is also available for $99 annually. MySQL Workbench Community Edition features a base framework for data modeling and physical database design, while commercial Standard Edition extends the functionality with new features such as reverse and forward-engineering capabilities, synchronization to and from live databases, HTML and text-based documentation, built-in validation of models and security management for modeled objects.

MySQL Workbench

The current release of MySQL Workbench, version 5.0.21, is only available as Windows binary release. Linux and OS X releases will be available soon. The Windows version requires the .Net 2.0 framework which is integrated with Windows Vista, Windows XP SP2 users need to download the framework from Microsoft and install it prior to MySQL Workbench.

Download MySQL Workbench.

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