Apr 4, 2013
Tip and Trick Editorial

How to Hide the Fact of Using WordPress (Remove Identity & Traces of WordPress)

Beginning as a blogging platform, WordPress has developed into a full-featured and easy to use content management system (CMS). But for many webmasters and web developers, who are told to or want to hide the fact that a website is using WordPress as the platform, the tasks may not be easy because WordPress comes with some unique naming convention and directory structure, and includes some common elements in HTML output. In addition, some may also want to hide the identity and traces of WordPress in to enhance the security, in what known as security by obscurity. Security by obscurity works by hiding the identity of platform used in the hope that attackers and hackers couldn’t exploit vulnerability and login path common to the software.
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Apr 4, 2013
Tip and Trick Editorial

SharePoint List Cannot Be Displayed in Datasheet View

When clicking on ‘Datasheet View’ button in List tab’s ribbon on a SharePoint 2010 site, or clicking on ‘Actions’ then ‘Edit in Datasheet’ on a ShrePoint 2003 or 2007 site, to view and manage the list items in spreadsheet format, the following error may occur:

The list cannot be displayed in Datasheet view for one or more of the following reasons:

  • A datasheet component compatible with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation is not installed.
  • Your Web browser does not support ActiveX controls.
  • A component is not properly configured for 32-bit or 64-bit support.

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Apr 4, 2013
Tip and Trick Editorial

How to Flush & Clear DNS Cache in Google Chrome Browser

Google Chrome web browser or OS has a built-in internal DNS caching mechanism which stores and saves the domain name to IP address resolution information which it had previously resolved. In addition, if you enabled the ‘predict network actions to improve page load performance’ feature, Chrome will also look up IP addresses of all links on the web page in advance, and store the information in the internal DNS cache.
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Apr 1, 2013
TnT Editor

How To Enable Windows 8 Hibernate Option

Windows 8 has come with a lot of changes which users are finding a bit annoying, and one of those is the Hibernation option, which is not visible by default. However, if you can’t find Hibernate option in the Charms bar power pane, the steps to enable Hibernate shortcut in Windows 8 is easy.

Hibernation is a feature of an operating system which allows the contents of RAM to be written to the hard drive, so that the system can quickly restart and restore to original state when waking up from off state.

windows 8 hibernate option
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Mar 31, 2013
Tip and Trick Editorial

Update SharePoint Documents Connected to Outlook When Edit Offline and Read-Only

SharePoint provides a ‘Connect to Outlook’ function which allows user to browse, edit, and even search the files on SharePoint. When using SharePoint-connected Microsoft Outlook to open documents, workbooks or presentations downloaded from Document Library in SharePoint Server or SharePoint Online or Office 365, the files may appear as read-only, disallowing users to modify or edit the files, then save and update them directly onto the server.
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Mar 31, 2013
Tip and Trick Editorial

How to Move or Rename WordPress wp-content Directory

By default, WordPress assigns wp-content directory as the default user content folder, where all plugins are stored in wp-content/plugins, all themes are stored in wp-content/themes and all uploads are uploaded saved in wp-content/uploads. However, WordPress does allow users to relocate and change the wp-content directory to anywhere you want, and rename the wp-content to any name you prefer.
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Mar 31, 2013
Tip and Trick Editorial

How to Change Uploads Path and URL in WordPress

Since WordPress 3.5, the upload_path and upload_url_path configuration option has been removed from Media Settings screen if both is set to their default values (empty of ‘wp-content/uploads’), effectively removing an easy way for user to change and set a custom media upload path.

However, WordPress does still support the custom media upload location, despite the UI to change it has been removed. The default media upload path at ‘wp-content/uploads’ tends to expose the identity of WordPress for webmasters who prefer to obscure the CMS used. In addition, changing the directory name for the media upload path also allows users to assign a more appropriate naming convention, such as images, videos, music, files, docs and so on, depending on the type of content which the websites usually upload.
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Mar 28, 2013
TnT Editor

Windows 8 Keyboard Shortcuts (Accelerator Keys or Hotkeys)

Keyboard shortcuts, also known as accelerator keys or hotkeys, is a set of combination keyboard strokes which can be used to trigger the predefined actions. Keyboard shortcuts or hot keys make it easier for user to interact with computer, which otherwise would typically require a mouse or other pointing device to perform the operation. Besides that, keyboard shortcuts are also used extensively by hardcore gamers to increase their gaming reaction speed.

Windows 8 Keyboard Shortcuts (Accelerator Keys or Hotkeys)
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