Jun 9, 2009
EK Lam

Play Puzzle Online with Puzzuka

Are you a puzzle aficionado? If yes, come and play puzzle online at Puzzuka. Unlike traditional jigsaw puzzle, you won’t feel bored playing puzzle at Puzzuka because it consists of 260 million mini-puzzles for you to solve. Puzzuka is free and the best thing is you can stand a chance to win stuff too. Besides having fun and winning prizes, Puzzuka actually is also a platform for online advertisement and fund raising charity for education.


This online puzzle is easy to play. What you need to do is just click-drag-release. Left-click the puzzle block with your mouse, drag it to the actual location and release it. You can choose 20 pcs or 80 pcs puzzle to play. Once you hit the start button, the time will start clocking until you solve the puzzle. There will be a best record for each puzzle; challenge it and you might create another best record for it. If you feel difficulty to solve the puzzle, don’t worry; just press the ‘cheat’ button for help. You are also allowed to upload you own images to create a personalized puzzle and share it with your friends. Remember to register with Puzzuka to win prizes.

If you’re an advertiser, CoverGlobe, the developer of Puzzuka could help to integrate your advertisement into puzzles. You can specify the geographic, cultural and demographic requirements. CoverGlobe will put up your ad to online players that meet your specifications so that your ad will achieve the desired results.

Register with Puzzuka and start click-drag-release.

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