Aug 8, 2013
TnT Editor

SimCity for Mac Arrives On August 29th

The game developer Electronic Arts has announced the classic SimCity game being released for Mac on Aug 29. SimCity was supposed to be available for Mac user start on June 11, but it have been pushed the released date for two months. “We want to ensure the Mac is a great experience for our players and that is why we are taking more time,” the publisher said. SimCity was plagued with a lot of problems at released after servers were too crowded to handle the rush of people.

SimCity for Mac arrives on August 29th

Indeed, Electronic Arts was pushed back two months for numerous updates to improve upon SimCity for PC. It may overrun with the network issues and stability problems to ensure that Mac users will get the best performance.

Actually the Mac version will be compatible with the Windows version. You may experience and build you city from either platform. If you have purchased SimCity for Windows, you might able to download the Mac version.

The release of the Mac version costs $40 for the standard edition, while deluxe version cost $60. To purchase SimCity for Mac and PC, please visit:

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SimCity for Mac arrives on August 29th
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