Apr 8, 2018
TnT Editor

Windows 10 Build 17127 Official Virtual Machines Download Link

Windows 10 Build 17127 recently released for Insiders member in the Fast and Slow ring of the Windows Insider Program. The update bring various new features, change, and improvements to operating system. Build 17127 full details fixes and changes can be found HERE.

The official Windows 10 Build 17127 ISO images released after a day available for Slow ring insiders. Windows 10 Build 17127 ISO images download link HERE.

Now, Microsoft also released Windows 10 Build 17127 ready-to-use virtual machines. The released virtual machines for Build 17127 include some of the minimum required tools and frameworks for developers to jumpstart creating apps for Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile, HoloLens and Xbox One.

To download virtual machines, just head to Microsoft official site:

Download Virtual Machines from Windows Dev Center

From the drop down list, select the virtual machine that plan to test. Then, select virtualization platform. These virtual machines can be used with Hyper-V, Parallels, VirtualBox and VMWare.

The virtual machines comes with password-protected. The password is “Passw0rd!“.


What’s a Virtual Machine?

Virtual machine is an application that creates a virtualized environment that function as separate computer system and allow to run an operating system on current desktop. You can boot operating system installer disc (or live CD) inside the virtual machine, and the operating system will be running on a real computer.

With virtual machine, you can use it to work around with different operating systems, try out software in safe, and sandboxed environment.

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