Sep 1, 2018
TnT Editor

Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17738 Official ISO Images Download Link

Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17738 (Redstone 5) is made available to Slow ring and Fast ring insiders. This Build 17738 also known as Windows 10 version 1809 contains mostly bug fixes and improvements and no notable new features. Here’s the original change log of Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17738.

If you opt in insider program, you should be able to download and install via Windows Update from PC. For those interested to perform clean install, Microsoft also released official ISO images of Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17738 for insider user to install the build from scratch.

Microsoft released the following editions of the Windows operating system for download:

  • Windows 10 Insider Preview – Build 17738 for standard use
  • Windows 10 Insider Preview Enterprise – Build 17738 to address the needs of large and midsize organizations, and comes with the management tools that IT administrators need.
  • Windows 10 Insider Preview Education – Build 17738 for students and faculty, and comes with the management tools that IT administrators need.
  • Windows 10 Insider Preview Home Single Language – Build 17738 for consumers in emerging markets and can only run a single language.
  • Windows 10 Insider Preview Home China – Build 17738 for consumers in China and is delivered in Simplified Chinese.

Download Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17738 ISO Images

Windows 10 Build 17738 ISO Download links: HERE (Official Microsoft)

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