May 17, 2015
TnT Editor

Windows 10 Insider Preview Now Available on Surface 3

Last week, Microsoft Community Moderator and Microsoft MVP Barb Bowman warned to all Surface 3 users, “Please do NOT try to install Windows 10 on the new Surface 3. As currently, there are no drivers for the Intel x5/x7 Atom processors in Windows 10 Preview Build due to Intel company has not yet release it drivers.

However, Microsoft has announced to recover this issue by rolling out pre-release drivers via Windows Update to Surface 3 users that upgraded their tablet’s operating system to Windows 10 preview. With this Windows update, it will contain the drivers for the CPU as well as the integrated Intel graphics that can solve the Surface 3 operating system hanging frequently as well as unresponsive touch screen.

You can now install the Windows 10 preview on the Surface 3

According Microsoft’s support website:

We have a pre-release Windows 10 driver set for Surface 3 published to Windows Update. If you have installed Windows 10 on your Surface 3, please visit Windows Update and install these drivers.

For Surface 3 users, who intent to install latest driver from Microsoft, just simply head over to Windows Update to download and install the drivers.

If you’ve installed Windows 10 preview on Surface 3, let us know about your experience after install driver via Windows Update.

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You can now install the Windows 10 preview on the Surface 3
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