Feb 8, 2009
EK Lam

X-mini Max – Small in Size, Big on Sound

XMI has just released its next generation capture speaker named X-mini Max with the slogan “Minimum Size, Maximum Sound.” The new X-mini Max still retains its small size like previous X-mini series but has enhanced the sound system with stereo output and improved its battery life. Now, you can organize a rock and roll party with a group of friends any time and anywhere with X-mini Max.


The egg-shape design of X-mini Max contains a pair of capture speakers attached to each other via magnetic plates embedded in the base with a net weight of 100g. This makes the new X-mini Max easy to keep and high on portability. Besides, it does really look cool.


Both stereo speakers retain XMI’s patented Bass Xpansion System (BXS) which mimics the resonance of a sub-woofer. Its sound volume level can be raised to a substantial level without any distortion. Although the X-mini Max comes with twin speakers, the user has the flexibility to use it in a pair or as a single speaker because each speaker has a built-in rechargeable battery and a PCB board. The X-mini Max with enhanced battery allows up to 10 hours of continuous play time.


The X-mini Max is very versatile – you can plug into the laptop, MP3 player or even handphone to play your favorite music and movie. It is truly the perfect accessory for serious music lovers who do not want to compromise on great audio quality.

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