Jan 14, 2014
TnT Editor

Yunio Cloud Storage and Sync Service Free 1TB of Storage Space

If free 100GB online storage space by SurDoc is not enough for you, then you may try out Yunio. Yunio is a user-friendly online storage service which similar to the cloud storage giant Dropbox that provide 1TB (1000GB) of free storage and unlimited bandwidth.

Yunio Cloud Storage and Sync Service Free 1TB of Storage Space

Yunio comes with easy to use interface and control panel that allows users to organize files in folders which include videos, music, documents etc. With Yunio cloud storage, users able to backup and share their files safely on a remote server so that it can be easily accessed from anytime anywhere.

Features of Yunio Cloud Storage & Sync Service:

  • 1TB of free cloud space with 25GB per file limit
  • CDN support for fast file transfer speeds
  • SSL AES-256 bit encryption
  • Automatically photo backup for mobile
  • Let users upload files, sync folders, share and collaborate
  • Syncing of two or more folders
  • Team shared folders
  • Instant uploads, batch transfers with patented LAN sync technology
  • Supports online preview, password protection, download limits and auto-expiration for more secure and flexible sharing

Yunio work for Windows, Mac and Linux. It is also available for Android and iOS. Users can simply create a new Yunio account with email, full name, and password. Signing up for Yunio will receive 1TB of free storage space, with daily increase of 1GB. In addition, it also allows uploads up to 25GB per file.

Sign up for free Yunio account with 1TB free storage space here.

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Yunio Cloud Storage and Sync Service Free 1TB of Storage Space
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